"We Have All the Time on Earth" is coming Friday

This post is an announcement and invitation that I’m writing in between chatting with family and friends who are visiting Haida Gwaii this week.

My newest piece, an audio installation called “We Have All the Time on Earth”, is premiering this Friday, September 22 at Haida Gwaii Museum. That piece is also at the core of a new album of music for piano and biosphere releasing the same day.

The album cover, featuring art by Benedicte Hansen.

A little about the music. On Haida Gwaii, the sound horizon is incredibly wide. Outside, you can hear a vast distance and with the kind of detail rarely heard in busier places. While out on hikes and soundwalks, I’ve captured hours of field recordings in northwest B.C., including sounds of Haida Gwaii’s ocean, forests, birds, weather, and humans. This practice invites close attention to the lands, waters, and skies, and it’s changed the way I think about the world and our place in it. 

Many of those field recordings are part of the title track, which is also an audio installation I created for the art gallery at Saahlinda Naay (Haida Gwaii Museum). Haida Gwaii-based artist Benedicte Hansen and I collaborated to make a show called Life Writ In Water: A Cathartic Movement Through Grief, which opened in September 2023 and gives visitors an immersive experience that visualizes the journey through grief into new life.

I recorded the piano music in my Daajing Giids studio across a narrow road from the forest, a tall stand of hemlock trees home to many birds and other creatures. The piano-only pieces on this album (the first seven tracks) became material I would weave together with sounds of nature to make We Have All the Time on Earth.

If you’re in Haida Gwaii, please join Benedicte and I as we introduce our show at 7 pm this Friday.

If you’re elsewhere, you can get the album via Bandcamp, also on Friday.

Event details for this Friday.